Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lifestyle: Manage your time...

This is an open letter to all the horrible time managers out there...please take the initiative and manage your time, because it affects all of us!
All right, this is going to brief but hopefully informative and reflective. How many of you out there have been victims of a horrible time manager, or are one? (show of hands) I see about half of the crowd has raised their hands (hahaha).
I get it, we all have a lot going on in today's hyper fast, ultra digital world. We have our physical life and well-being to attend to and our virtual life, which is slowly creeping up on the physical, but not there yet. So we may be late to a meeting, date, friends birthday, wedding, etc., but why?
If the reason is: There was a horrible accident. I got lost. I was on the phone with my mom (who lives in another state/country). I ran out of gas, not a good one but acceptable (unless it happens more than once), etc. You get the picture. There are some legitimate excuses, however, for the most part being late is a product of poor time management.
I know it may sound "parental" in a way, at least my mom says this all the time; "You should leave early enough to prepare for traffic and/or accidents," especially when leaving for an interview, important work meeting, pretty much anything business related as social situations are allowed some leeway by default.
What I have come to realize as my life has gotten busier and busier, and as I've grown into a responsible man (thanks mom), is the fact that my time is valuable as is everyone's. If the meeting is at noon be there at noon (at least) or even better get there 10-15 minutes early. If you say let's meet at 3pm and you can't get there at 3pm, let everyone else know, preferably at least 30 minutes or an hour before. After all, everyone is busy, whether they are busy being productive that is another story.
"Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late." ~ William Shakespeare
Technology is supposed to make our lives that much easier, not harder. There are tons of apps out there that can help you manage your time and tasks, set reminders, set alarms, workout timers, monitor traffic conditions, estimated time of travel, etc. All there to make you more efficient and productive. Let's not forget the countless ways to communicate: text, social media, email, a PHONE call, so let's try and use it people.
Side note: The new iPhone comes out today and iOS 8, both of which have applications to help with time management.

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