About the Authors

Greetings all, Nicholas Castelli here...

I have wanted to start this blog for sometime, and the day has finally come where I put an end to the procrastination and brought the idea to fruition. The ModernManTellsAll blog is about things I feel are important to me in life and in business - all in all how to become a better man.  I really hope you enjoy the material.

Listed below are some of the basics about me...

I moved to Los Angeles by way of Chicago (Chii-town) about 7 years ago and haven't looked back.  I worked in the music publishing/licensing industry, running a start-up for 6 out of the 7 years I've been LA, and as of late I've been doing some independent consulting, plus I'm in the process of launching a start-up.  

Needless to say I've seen and learned a lot, particularly how to compete and operate in a highly competitive industry.  In my opinion, if you can make somewhat of a name for yourself in a mature industry, all with limited access to resources, you can make it anywhere.  Furthermore, I recently received my MBA degree from Northeastern University in Boston (ranked #1 in the U.S. - Financial Times 2014), which is the best investment/decision I've made in my life (at least adult life).  It has enabled  me to pursue my true passion of business and marketing strategy.  Being someone that competed in sports my entire life, I feel Entrepreneurship, and Business and Marketing strategy operate as if they were a sport, which leads me to why I started the ModernManTellsAll Blog.  I love learning from and educating people, business and life principals, and living life to the fullest (at least I try to), so I wanted to see who shares the same interests.  I'm sure there's plenty to go around.

If you are in need of any business/marketing strategy consulting, feel free to shoot me an email at: modernbizstrategy@gmail.com.



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