Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Technology: How do you use it?

Technology: How do you use it?

This is a subject I have grown to become extremely passionate about over the last 3 to 5 years, particularly since the acceleration of online higher education, social media, smartphones/TVs, and the efficiency of applications such as Skype, Blackboard, IM, video/music streaming, etc.  You truly can run a global operation from the comfort of you own home, if you have mastered technology and all of its functions and nuances.  Granted many of us are not there (yet), and maybe running an entire globalized operation from your living room is a bit of a stretch - but the point is, one could if they had the means and a trusted team of, tech-savvy, highly intelligent, efficient, and productive individuals.  Again, a lot easier said than done.  So where do you stand on technology and how it is used in our everyday lives?  For me there are two general and basic categories: Distraction and Entertainment and to Perform Tasks Efficiently, and, quite simply, Make Things Easier.  Let's break it down.

Distractions and Entertainment:

Yes, technology is great, that goes without saying.   Think about it, we all have the power to do anything we want at anytime in the palm of our hands; some of us actually have it in the palm of our hands 24/7!  This is true, I personally know people like this.  It has even come to the point where our devices are the most important material thing to us, right underneath food, clothes and shelter, maybe you know someone that places it above food - it's possible.  How many of you (yes, I'm guilty of this as well) have been in your car, hopefully at a stop light, and decided it was a good idea to send a text, check your email, Twitter or Facebook feed?  I'd be willing to guess it is above 80-90%.  I can't tell you how often I see people doing this while actually trying to drive.  All this serves as a huge distraction.  How about when you are out with friends, at work, on a date, or just hanging at home with your kids and/or pets and you are glued to your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, and your kid, dog, or significant other wants attention?  This happens to all of us whether we are doing it consciously or subconsciously, really we are not trying to be unresponsive or unaware of our surroundings - it's almost as if some of can't help but be drawn to technology.  We are constantly being distracted by something (I just checked Facebook about 3 times while writing this post), and most of the time it is something of minimal or no importance.  That email could have waited, that tweet could been posted later, you've already seen the YouTube video, etc.  I've even seen people walk into stop signs, tree branches, or me while walking their dogs, all because they had their eyes glued to their phones.

My question to everyone out there is, do we really need to constantly be distracted by technology or is it there to serve a greater purpose?  I'd argue the latter, undoubtedly.  That is not to say, there is a time and a place for entertainment and other forms of uninformative articles, or social media posts, because there most certainly is, it just does't have to be 24/7.  Think about it, humans have managed hundreds of thousands of years without advanced technology, yet today most of us can't put it down for a few minutes let alone an hour or two.

Perform Tasks Efficiently and Make (everyday) Things Easier:

On to what I believe the best use of technology is: to perform tasks efficiently and make things easier.  I for one love technology and consider myself a tech-savvy individual.  I really can't imagine life without it.  Now, with the use of technology everyone has access to a vast ocean of information all at the click of a button, can manage all their financial accounts in one app, connect with associates, friends, and family across the globe in an instant (by video), streamline manufacturing processes, work autonomously; heck it can even parallel park your car for you, not to mention the fact that "getting lost" is now taboo.  There are countless other reasons for the use of technology and the benefits received, which I will not go into as you know what they are.  In business, technology has endless possibilities.  A small one man operation now has the potential to reach as many consumers/customers as an established multi-national.  That to me is mind-blowing.

Once one has harnessed the true purpose of technology, to perform tasks efficiently and make (everyday) things easier, your life could become more simplified.  That said, if one let's technology take control or someone doesn't fully grasp the powers of having a device or devices that, 30 years ago, would have costed millions of dollars and took up a room the size of your apartment, then life suddenly becomes more hectic and out of control.  How many times have you heard people say, "I'm so busy"?  Well, I'd put some money on it (although I don't have much), if they took advantage of the technology that we are so fortunate to have access to, harness and understand its powers, your life would begin to simplify.  Maybe, I am reaching a bit, but I feel it has worked for me.  How do YOU use technology?

If you agree or disagree, or are attached to your devices 24/7, I'd love to hear your comments.

PS - If you are in need of any Business and Marketing consultation for your small to mid-sized business/start-up feel free to shoot me an email at:



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