Monday, July 28, 2014

Business Strategy: True Company Identity

I see this far too often when consulting and communicating with friends and clients who own/run startups and small to mid-sized businesses - NO true company identity.  The lack of company identity is at the top of the list when it comes to failing small businesses and/or start-ups, and should be addressed from the initial launch if possible, as the longer this goes on, the harder it is to fix.  There is far too much competition in today's global economy to not have a company identity. What I mean by true company identity is: What type of product/service do you offer?  How much does it cost?  Who are your target demographics?  Is your product/service of poor, good, or great quality (hopefully good to great)?  What type of culture does your company have?  Does the branding of the company portray what you do?  etc.  The point is, potential and current clients must be able to identify with your product/service quickly, so when they are searching for it they can immediately identify what it is you do and what your company is about.

Now, I understand the fact that running a small business or start-up is extremely difficult (I've been there) and it truly is survival of the fittest.  In order to make bills and bring in cash many owners become frantic and will except any and all work, service a diverse set of clients, etc., as long as they are comfortable doing the job, selling the product/service, etc. However, this is only a short-term strategy and usually ends up costing the firm in the long-run.  For instance, let's say you have a small business with 5 or less employees, including you.  This is not a lot of people and one would assume your access to resources such as capital are minimal to nonexistent; therefore, everything you do needs to be calculated in such a way that nothing is going to waste (time, money, people, etc.).  Granted this is a lot easier said than done, when the reality and fear kicks in and you need to make X amount to make rent this month, things begin to scatter and unravel.  I'm sure many of you have been there, as I've seen it one too many times.  This is the reaction of a small business owner who has failed to create, implement, and communicate a true company identity prior to all the panic and fear setting in, I call this " survival mode", doing anything at all costs.

The problem with lacking an overall company identity, as stated above, is the issue of panic and fear will be reoccurring.  Yes, you may have a good month or two and think to yourself (or thank higher power) your problems have been solved.  Well, chances are this will happen again and again, and you will have a bad month or two in a row, then what?  The reality is, yes, you took in any and all jobs that you and your employees skill-sets can handle, however, your company is still lost and new and potential clients will not find you if your brand and company is all over the place.  So make sure  when it comes to true company identity you have one.

A new start-up or small business does not have the time nor the resources to continue down this path, so make sure your next venture, or this one, has been branded as such that it can be easily identifiable  to everyone - exactly what you do, your product/service, etc.  And once its identity has been determined commit any and all resources towards securing a favorable market share in that space.  Once a desirable market share has been obtained, then, and only then should you attempt to extend your product/service line, target markets, etc.   This is not to say, a company should not be thinking ahead and working towards a viable and sustainable vision for the company at all times; or taking on jobs that are not in line with the identity; if you have the time and resources by all means take on the work as long as it's not obstructive to your day-to-day operations.  And if you have dedicated yourself and your company towards this identification and things have not gone as planned, then adjustments need to be made accordingly.  However, I firmly believe that if a company has done its research and its leaders have properly created a true company identity, all resources are dedicated and focused on obtaining market share in that space, the company has positioned itself for success and a chance for survival, at least throughout the growth phase.

As always, I'd love to hear your comments on this topic, True Company Identity, so please leave comments if you desire.

PS - If you are in need of any Business and Marketing consultation for your small to mid-sized business/start-up feel free to shoot me an email at:



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