Monday, October 13, 2014

Business/Marketing: Just because you use Google AdWords, Facebook, etc...

I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard companies and clients say: "We've used Google AdWords and/or Facebook and Twitter advertising in the past and it doesn't work."  Or they'll say: "Yes we are currently (or working with a third-party) utilizing Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., in our marketing/advertising campaigns, but if anything changes we'll be in contact."  Well, that's great!  You should be using one or more of these platforms, paid and/or organic, in some way or another, otherwise you are potentially missing out on a lucrative revenue stream, and at the very least, increasing brand awareness and loyalty.  However, just because you are or have used AdWords, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., does not mean you are maximizing their potential, in all reality chances are you are not.  Let's face it, these companies are for-profit and prefer the uneducated and misguided to use their services as it pads their bottom lines.  Think about it, if your ad does not appear on the first page Google or if your Facebook ads are not reaching your target market(s) you are essentially throwing your hard earned money at companies that are, or are close to being worth billions of dollars.  They actually count on the majority of users to blindly throw money at advertisements -- even if a company is allocating as little as $10/day, and there are 100s of 1000s doing so, the profits can be astronomical.  I'll spare you the math, however, if you multiply (10 x 1000 x 100 x the amount of days), you'll get the point.  Great business model to emulate if you can, btw!

The same is true for companies that are using a 3rd party vendor for months and/or years without seeing even a minimal increase in their ROI.  Granted after months/years, most companies will get the point and drop said vendor, but after how much capital has been lost?  Coupled with the fact that many of these 3rd party vendors, definitely not all as there are a lot of great ones, are out to get your money as well -- hitting or getting close to their numbers as the contract end-date nears.  And believe me, they are banking on the fact that the company is not versed in PPC campaigns and the various platforms.  Some companies have invested so much in their marketing/advertising campaigns, trusting the 3rd party vendor as being experts, only to go out of business.  Small to mid-sized businesses simply do not have the resources to sustain an unsuccessful marketing campaign -- in fact they rely on each calculated investment to provide incremental benefits at least in the short-term.  So what do you do?

For starters, companies must realize that these platforms, although logical and necessary, are extremely complex, with many variables and KPIs.  And often times work off one another, hence the integrated marketing campaign.   Secondly, as stated above, there are literally millions of companies, some of which are your competition, using these marketing/advertising platforms daily!  Obviously, their budgets will vary from dollars a day to 1,000s of dollars a day, but budget doesn't necessarily declare a winner.  Kind of intimidating, don't you think?  No wonder why so many companies will tell you AdWords, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., do not work, or they are a waste of money.  Or worse, they have live campaigns running with high impressions and low click-throughs and conversions -- low to no ROI, etc.  

When companies tell me these platforms do not work, my first reaction is, are/were you using it correctly?  To use a sports analogy: If I gave someone a baseball bat and told them to step-up to the batters box and take a few swings at a major league pitcher, chances are they are going to tell me it doesn't work. Well, I'd argue there's a lot of professionals that hit off these pitchers every single day with that same bat -- some better than others.  The same rules apply for your SEM campaign, just because everyone has access to the same tools doesn't mean everyone can hit it out of the park.

The moral of the story is: Just because you use Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, etc., doesn't mean you are using it properly and effectively.  And it most certainly doesn't mean it doesn't work!  As a matter of fact it does, and many company's are taking full advantage of it.  And, no, you do not need to have an enormous marketing budget, all you need is a trained professional that understands the dance between analytics and messaging, and how the entire campaign works as one, not individually.

As always, I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts on this topic.

If you are in need of any business and/or marketing consultation, feel free to shoot me a brief introduction note at:



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