Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lifestyle: Do what Dogs do

I'm sure the majority of you are thinking to yourself, what does he mean, do what dogs do?  Well, I will explain my logic behind this phenomena that has been peeking my curiosity over the last 4 years.  I'm definitely not saying people should go around and "evacuate" all over the neighborhood, I'm talking about how a dog appreciates life no matter what they are doing.

If you own a dog I believe you would oblige with what I'm saying here, unless you are not present and happy in your own life, then all vision would be cloudy, including your mind.  But for those of us that do appreciate what our pooches have to offer, much of what I'm going to say will make complete sense at least on the surface.  Granted the following will be based on my personal experience of owning a dog and interacting with other dogs at dog parks and friends/family's houses, etc.

So what do I mean, do what dogs do... For starters when you're out walking your dog, and they're all excited just to be out walking around the neighborhood, smelling all those wonderful smells, lifting their leg or squatting to pee on stuff - they are in heaven - nothing else matters.  Now, at that very moment ask yourself how happy am I right now, or what am I thinking about.  My dog is elated to be outside walking around, smelling and peeing on stuff, while I'm thinking about or stressed out about something that happened earlier or worse, something that hasn't happened or may not even happen in the future.

Another example would be when you take your dog (aka best friend/li'l homie) to the dog park, or a friend comes over with their dog, and the dogs are are so excited they can't even contain themselves, tails are wagging, whining, etc.  Now, when was the last time YOU were this excited to see a friend or family member?  I'd argue a long, long time ago, if ever.  How about when you come home from work after an 8 to 10 hour day, who's at the door waiting for you to come inside wagging their tail?  Yep, your dog.

Dog's are masters at living in the moment, granted they have no concept of time, and appreciating all the basic aspects of life, the little things that actually matter, which many of us forget.  Most of us (humans) get caught up in our heads, thinking about the past and/or future, when none of it really matters.  Well, as long as you've learned from the past and don't continue to make the same mistakes.  And the future, well that's out of our control, most of the time much of what we think is going to happen in the future does not even come to fruition; thus, causing you to miss all those smells and wonders of mother nature that all animals appreciate - and since dogs are usually the ones that live amongst us and are apart of our daily lives, we should take notice of how they react to their environment and enjoy life, and make an effort to understand why this is.  It will change your perspective, at least for a moment, and that's a start.

So next time you're out walking your dog take the time to smell, look around, and who knows, maybe even pee on a tree or two! (that last one is a joke, hahahaha)

As always, I'd love to hear your comments on this topic, so please leave comments if you desire.

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